Concept UI — Medical Aggregator App

Pratik Rupareliya
3 min readOct 26, 2016


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A good quality design is essential for the success of any mobile application. But special care has to be taken while designing a medical app. Why, do you ask? Many users in the sector will be elderly, suffering from an impairment or disability, or generally lack the technical expertise to use an app. Your medical app’s design should be centered around a clean, intuitive UI/UX. The following section will help you with just that:

Five factors to ponder over while designing a medical aggregator app

1. Know your target audience. Who is it that you are targeting? Which diseases do they primarily suffer from? Your app should be able to break down all the patients’ pre-existing conditions and treatment plans.

2. Create a user guide so that all the app users can understand what the app is about, how they can navigate it and interact with it. Implementing an onboarding series would be a good idea — answering questions like ways to book an appointment, contact the hospital, or to view information about a specific illness.

3. There are a few medical apps that include communication portals for faster assistance. If you also plan to connect app users to doctors, medical professionals, or admin staff, you must deploy a comfortable chat facility in the app.

4. Design matters. Your app will be judged by what the users see — colours, font, imagery, brand voice, and more. Be sensible about your use of photos, colors and vectors.

5. Privacy is everything in the medical sector. Be sure you are HIPAA-compliant so that your app users feel safe and secure while handing over their sensitive information to you.

Five tips for designing the UI of a medical app

1. Deploy sensible colour schemes. Your users should feel calm and relaxed after opening your medical app. Jarring and loud colours in the app will put them in a frenzy, and they will take their medical queries and concerns elsewhere! Therefore, stick to warm and clean colours such as off-white, sky blue, lime green, and yellow.

2. The type of font you also use matters. Usually, there is a tie between Sans Serif and Serif fonts. However, one is more likely to go with Sans Serif while designing a mobile app. Reason being? It is easier to read. Period.

3. An excellent feature that will raise the accessibility ratio is the using button with sound effects that give visually impaired users the purpose of the button.

4. Icons used in the app should be intuitive to understand what they represent quickly. In the medical world, it is not wise to leave room for misinterpretation.

5. Be very cautious about the images used in the app. They must be in high resolution and magnify the features for which they are being used.

Before you bounce off

Team Intuz has tried their hands with an intuitive and easy-to-understand app UI for a medical aggregator app for doctors.

Check out more awesome work by Intuz.



Pratik Rupareliya

Techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as head of Strategy.